Public Relations

PR for IMI Knoebel`s Kinderstern, a Social Plastic after Joseph Beuys.


Cologne, Art Berlin





PR battle against political misjudgment

During the summer break in 1985, excavators started digging in the large open space in Düsseldorf’s historic city centre. The ground monuments, the old harbour and the Spee bastion became visible. Citizens travelled to Bonn, to the highest monument conservationist, who issued a construction freeze.


Residents founded a citizens‘ association „Rettet unser Düsseldorf“ with the aim of preventing the massive high-rise development and preserving monuments. Architects argued that a city thrives on squares, and that Düsseldorf should return to the Rhine. The old town was separated from the Rhine by a four-lane, heavily trafficked road. The SPD city government was in favour of building the houses. 600 million German marks  the SPD construction minister Zöpel, who supported the citizens offered Düsseldorf for the construction of a Rhine bank tunnel if the association’s proposals were realised. When the tunnel opened, the situation of 1900 was restored the Rhine and the old town were reunited. As a founding member, I did the press work.



Tita Giese`s Islands in the stream.

 Tita Giese, she studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy,  lost her voice when the director of Düsseldorf’s gardening department declared that her gras islands would have to be destroyed. The reason? Only native plants should be allowed to grow in Düsseldorf. Stupid thing is, plants don’t respect borders, the earth’s climate belts determine where they grow.


Even more stupidly, he wanted to plant firethorn, at home in Apenin, about 1500 km south of Düsseldorf.  The City complaints committee therefore decided to spare Giese’s islands for the time being. As a result of the press work, Giese`s  islands were preserved, moreover she received 160.000 DM to extend her plant project a few hundred metres to the Berlin Bear Monument. She designed Thomas Ruff’s plant project, the de Meuron Garden in Basel, the inner courtyard of the Max Meyer Gallery, the Schmela Haus a.o..



Fashion self-help group/Selbsthilfegruppe Mode

The CPD, Collections Premier Düsseldorf, had an opponent in 2003. The Lord Mayor of Düsseldorf sent letters explaining that showrooms in the Fashion Square commercial premises were illegal under building law. If they were opened during CPD, a fine of up to Euro 500,000,00 would be threatened. But the CPD also had a new friend, the Lord Mayor of the City of Düsseldorf. He offered Chanel, Celine, Todd’s, Etro etc. etc. the alternative of renting space in the new football stadium, which was financed at a loss. The Director of the Cartel Office declared that this was an abuse of office to gain an economic advantage. Especially as building law does not regulate what is shown in a showroom. It regulates dangers, not a landfill site next to a kindergarten, for example.


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