Karin Luner

1974 Wittenbergplatz Briquettes in the flat. 1975  the hair is long, Patti Smith is in the Charts.


Playing fashion show at Erika Haumann, Weltweit, Düsseldorf.


this is decidedly for Karin Luner, to whom I owe all my delicious creative joy, forming an underground girl band, Super 8 films, playing the sax, dancing the night away, inventing music with SAMO©. Karin studied at the University of Fine Arts Berlin, Professor K.H. Hödicke and came to NYC as a student. There she shoot the Super 8 film „Bored“ which was first to be seen at SO.36 Berlin,  a film festival by Martin Kippenberger.

29 July 1978, Düsseldorf in a summer so hot like a thousand July`s, we decided to form an all girl band. Karin had drum lessons with Fred Maher, Lou Reeds drummer and I:


©Sybille Goessling


„Eva Gossling lived in my Berlin flat while I was away. Since we both came from Dusseldorf, we often met there. (In D’dorf we were together with the guys from Kraftwerk) Eva was always a lot of fun and that we wanted to make a band was one of these spontaneous ideas. One day she told me that she met a girl on the underground platform and she also wanted to make a band. So we met Beate, who was still married to a musician at the time. Beate then brought Gudrun and Bettina with her, and so Mania D. was born. Mania D. was the name Beate wanted, and after some discussions we all agreed.“ Karin Luner to Jürgen Teipel on the subject of  „Verschwende Deine Jugend“.


Summer in Berlin: Karin Luner Martin Fischer, Beate Bartel ©Eva Gössling, Karin Luner.


Wuppertal  1979 first Mania D performance  ©Marita Lindicke


“ Anyway, our first concert was in a gallery in Wuppertal. Volker Anding was a gallery member and gave me the space to organise a show. I put together a Super 8 programme with films by Rainer Fetting and I also exhibited fashion, „Art as Art as Fashion“ was a concept that was later much more recognised. The gallery members hated the concept…The film „Fashion Intellection“, a film with exclusively Mania D, unfortunately got lost in my eternal moves“, Karin Luner, the driving force, which brought us to NYC when the Lower East Side was decaying in nineteen hundred and seventy-nine.

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