Basquiat in my case

to begin at the beginning,

in October nineteen hundred and seventy-nine, my saxophone flies with me to New York.“Message in a bottle“ by the Police is on the radio, the Gramercy and Chelsea are fully booked. The first days a wooden floor, near Columbia University, is night’s lodging.  The weather is warm. Californian avocados are offered on street corners, big as honeydew melons and tasteless. Landet with Erinna König, Beuys Meisterschüler at the artist Arleen Schloss in Downtown in a treasure, a bed. Conveniently, a stage with a bed. Arleen spontaneously invited Beate Bartel, the Mania D bass player and me to perform. Just the two of us, bass and sax? SAMO©, who showed COLOR XEROX that evening, supported us with a WASP synthesizer, all improvised.



M_Documents Ventil, Mainz, 2022


The next day SAMO© and I start inventing music in Arleen`s bathroom with Michael Holman`s WASP synthesizer, the rhythm machine, the Selmer Sax, so we did not disturb our hostess. After the opening of the Beuys Retrospective in the Guggenheim, Erinna left, Jean and I shared the chamber. Portrait fall 1979 by  ©Gerard Pas, London, Canada.



the bathroom,  SAMO© aka Jean Michel Basquiat, fall 1979 ©Gerard Pas



 my diary, „You are my slumber. Wait for Jean“ he recorded our invented music, disappeared to play it to his friends, came back quickly, sometimes hours later.


1979 SAMO© in my suitcase, 1981 as a diptyc, Mugrabi Collection acc. to Würth Basquiat catalogue.

Leaving NYC with Fredy Laker`s Skytrain, a DC-10, they crashed more often back then, he wrote in my coffer so that he would always be with me. Had to swear to come back soon. I didn’t succeed. For decades, the suitcase had disappeared, rediscovered, I realized that SAMO©, the homeless, who looked like a tenth grader, was Jean Michel Basquiat, long since deceased. In 2011, the art historian Father Elias, a Dominican friar at St. Andrew’s in Düsseldorf, explained to me the Catholic symbolism. Love through pain, pain through love. WALA? Wala! Wala! Awake! From lasting sleep wake I thee, slumberer, up. I call on thee now: arise! arise! From earth’s hidden caves, “Siegfried” 3rd act, scene 1, Richard Wagner. Wala, also known as Völja, a seer in Germanic mythology. However, there are two very interesting WALA in Aboriginal mythology. The female WALA, he called her in his work “The Kangaroo Woman that makes the rain to clean sick souls” has the function of the Egyptian sky goddess Nut. Case photo`s Thomas Ruff 2010.


Magic Marker & Salvia

 With his salvia he blurred MAN MADE drew lines and dots and connected them with his saliva in a zigzag pattern. SAMO© ESTA EN ALGO? Samo is in something or on something, assuming his saliva is speaking for the latter. It`s an enigma, a love and protection spell, verifiable through his cryptic legacy in my diary, decoded in 2019. He defined the zigzag pattern, he defined SALVIA, he defined ©. To understand this, delve into magical thinking, the mythology of the Yoruba, the West Africans whose ancestors came from the Nile.




The Yoruba believe salvia, like all body fluids contains Àshe, God’s power to create action, writes Dr. Hazzard-Donald, Professor of Anthropology, Rutgers University.  „….for many Yoruba, red, „supreme presence of color, signals ashe. R. F. Thompson, Flash of the Spirit, Random House p. 6, 1983. `“He believed in the magic of the moment, in a cosmic synergy, the use of matched mind and was able to make it visible. He was a magician, not as a hoax: He followed his supernatural instincts. The Loa, the voodoo gods, were known from Haiti and from Charlie Parker’s music, and he knew that the African gods had adapted to modern times. He believed in talismans and sympathetic magic. Glenn O’Brien, Catalog Basquiat Retrospective, Beyeler Foundation, Hatje Cantz, 2010.



It would take too long here to prove to you exactly that Jean meant © for áshe in the sense of the  magic divine power of creation. In this sense, his use of the copyright sign also corresponds to Thomas Aquinas‘ proofs of the existence of God. Incidentally, Aquinas‘ also leads an undiscovered existence in Jean’s art.


ESTA EN ALGO, Spanish? don’t know that language.

From “Lost in translation” Dr. Kellie Jones, catalog Basquiat retrospective Brooklyn Museum 2005, p.171 . If you follow her argumentation, he had already planned as an 18-year-old how to use Spanish in his work. I wondered why his use of Spanish was in my suitcase? Possibly an answer



Mothers, which wanted to go to heaven with her kids, united us, I assume. The feeling of being alone with this pain was cancelled for the moment. The mortification that this implies– it remains loyal, as does the pain. Why the change from singular to plural? In his painting “Job Analisis” he wrote “SECRET IDENTITYs” and painted them, turning his canvases into stages. All unrecognized, his iconology eludes academically trained thinking. Phoebe Hoban, Basquiat p.17. How many orphans he knew and what he left them, I can’t know. Was orphaned at 15.


versuchter S

The intended accident, painted several times, remained hidden too. In my diary was the key to recognize his iconology and so the accidents a.o..


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2011                           VOGUE 2014



With Alan Vega from the band „Suicide“ we discussed a „Metropolitan symphony“ according to the principles of „Musique concrète“ with everyday sounds from the streets of NYC.



My Selmer on which I showed him how to play. He wanted to practise without me telling him not to inflate his cheeks and asked me to lend it to him. I hesitated, it was my only valuable possession, bought in Paris in May 1979. He stuck my initials on it with silver thread. I understood his actions, he practised secretly elsewhere. I was told that he had gone for a walk with the saxophone, very proudly.


Halloween Nite before the Beuys Retrospective at A`s. 31
13-31 & SHOT DOT BLOT an incantation with pendulum and Sax. It was the closing event for the COLOR XEROX works.



test Pattern: Jean`s first band & essence of his art.

test Pattern at A`s, 5 dec 1979. BAD FOOL s  and (FACE CRIME)


His paintings and drawings are test Patterns,  they test the viewer. Plenty of art historian`s , more precisely, all failed in recognizing his narrative patterns, saying that he cannot be decoded. This is to be refuted with the irrefutable precision that only numbers can offer. Take a look at his „Selfportrait as a Heel“. Heel? A swindler.  02460 five figures on his T-Shirt,  with which he reveals one of his “SECRET IDENTITYs” irrefutable. Btw, don’t the figures in front of him say mug shot? Only his legacy in my diary enabled not me, but my brother Michael, to detect his art is a steganography, from the Greek: στεγανός ‚hidden‘ and γραφία ‚writing‘, a war tactic. It refers to the art or science of covertly storing information with the aim of not arousing suspicion in a third party when viewing the medium. The recognition protocol (key) is needed.


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